Kirsty Sawyer - Bramley

"I always wanted to learn to drive and when I had decided the time was right I turned to the internet to look for local driving schools.

It was there I found LDC and after reading their pages I looked at their list of instructors, picked Paul Hawkshaw gave him a call and booked my first lesson.

Over the following weeks I under took a program of lessons suggested by Paul to be suitable for me.

Paul is a very patient, understanding and confidence building person, which was a must for me as I was to need them all.

I never would have thought that a fleeting 6 months after that first lesson I would have passed my test at the first attempt, yes that's right first time. Paul became a major stepping stone in my future and for all these reasons mentioned above I would recommend Paul Hawkshaw to anyone wishing to learn to drive (and do so).

Paul is an excellent practitioner of his craft and I am pleased to be able to put pen to paper (as it were) and testify to that, I also am pleased to be able to call him a friend.


Kirsty Sawyer - Bramley