Sean Keefe

Kirstie was great as an instructor. She was always wanting the best from me and looking for me to improve. She was always patient when I was learning something new even if it was taking me a while to get my head around it. She always made me aware of other resources available like YouTube or the LDC workbook where everything was explained. When my driving progressed she asked what I was wanting to do each lesson which was good as it made me think about what I needed to improve on and made sure I was comfortable before doing a new manoeuvre. She was always aware of what was going on around us incase I didn't see something which could be a hazard to us. Kirstie made sure I had plenty of time with each manoeuvre that I learned before moving on to something different. Each lesson was altered to the way I learn which was good but if I wasn't understanding it in my usual way Kirstie was quick to think of another way of describing it verbally or visually. Kirstie also used her other students past experiences to teach me if I was struggling or if I was coming to a road/junction I had never been at so I was aware of what I should do. Kirstie always made me aware of potential blinders like walls or cars which would obstruct my view of the road. Kirstie was overall friendly and easy to talk to which was good as it didn't make me nervous in the car. I felt like I could ask her anything even if it felt like it was something I should already know but she would always answer it and said she would rather answer the same question over and over than me not knowing and struggle. Kirstie was clear with instructions and directions and gave out compliments and praise when a manoeuvre had been done right and at the end of the lessons. The experience was great overall and I would recommend Kirstie to everyone.

Sean Keefe