Jack Shaw

My previous driving instructors hadn't managed to in-still a passing performance. Trevor however, in just 15 hours, managed to polish up the little skills I had and made me able to pass my test. He has a wide knowledge base and a few handy tricks to help you to remember the stuff you need to know to pass. He is genuinely a great guy and a great teacher.

LDC send you a very useful work pack that includes a highway code book that helps you get over the theory part of the test easily and a DVD to help too.

I highly recommend using Trevor to anyone considering. You'll pass.

Jack Shaw

Hi I'm Trevor Maddison

I'm a driving instructor in Ashford, Bedfont, Chertsey, Feltham, Halliford, Hampton, Hanworth, Isleworth, Laleham, Littleton, Shepperton, Staines, Stanwell, Sunbury, Twickenham and surrounding areas.

Trevor Maddison Driving School
Call 07771 810961