Sean - St Johns Wood

Upon scouring the internet looking for possible driving schools it became clear that there was a lot of choice however, when looking at LDC the manner of how they taught was superior, reading the pre lessoned material resulting to more actual driving time on the road.

It was important to me to select a driving school and instructor that would provide me and teach me to a high and more important proactive personal standard.

LDC & Neill provided this in such a perfect way and I was able to pass FIRST time. I'm very pleased with my choice and would truly recommend Neill to anyone.

Neil is a great instructor that made me calm behind the wheel from the get go and really helped me to develop in such a short space of time. He gave clear instructions and explained in clear detail what I was doing wrong and how to improve.

Neill was always at hand whenever I needed him on the phone and the humour and banter in the car while driving made it that more fun. Each lesson with Neill was a joy.

Learning to drive really wasn't stressful it was fun.

Thanks Neill!

Sean - St Johns Wood

Hi I'm Neill Wilson

I'm a driving instructor in Blandford Forum, Dorchester, Poole, Swanage, Wareham and surrounding areas.

Neill Wilson Driving School
Call 07903 423798