Driving instructor reviews

Below are some of the comments sent to us by those who decided to become driving instructors with LDC. In a few short months this could be you earning £35 to £50 per hour doing a job that you love. For comments from former Armed Forces personnel please visit forces resettlement. Alternatively, visit our instructor training facebook page to see our latest Part 3 passes and our franchise joiners.

Julie TestimonialWhen I married and started a family I needed a career change and becoming a driving instructor felt the right thing to do. I wanted a job that enabled me to use my skills and still provide me with real satisfaction while maintaining a work-life balance. Friends and work colleagues often told me I was a relaxed and calm person and that I would make a great Driving Instructor.

I am so glad I trained with LDC, their training materials are excellent and there is always a friendly person at the end of the telephone if I have an enquiry. I joined the LDC franchise in the Winter and I couldn’t be happier, I have a full diary and I am so proud of my business and being a member of the LDC family.

Dawn TestimonialIf you choose to train with LDC I am sure you won’t be disappointed. You will not find a more fair, helpful or trustworthy driving school to do your training with. I did extensive research before I chose LDC and the main reason for choosing LDC was because I felt they genuinely were interested in me and where not just after my course fee. They answered all of my questions truthfully and I felt instantly at ease.

My local trainer was patient, friendly and professional and we got along really well.

I enjoy being a driving instructor because I am my own boss operating my own LDC driving school and it is really satisfying seeing each of my students get their licence. I am really happy as a driving instructor and would recommend this job to anyone.

Graham TestimonialWhen I decided to become a driving instructor I did a lot of research into the different companies. What made me look more closely at LDC was how they trained learners as I felt the LD System made sense to me and was the way I would have liked to have been trained so felt I could sell the benefits to others. The instructor training course was based on the same principles and approach, the home study allowed me to prepare for my in car training sessions and therefore make the most of this valuable time.

Before starting to teach we had a 3 day induction course at the head office which was invaluable in how to run your business correctly and professionally, and how to make the most of the LD System.

I have now been with the franchise for over 7 years now and it works perfectly for me. It allows me the freedom to build up my own reputation whilst having the benefits of their marketing expertise, brand name and most importantly the LD System as my USP to help me stand out from the rest.

Not only can I use the LD workbooks and DVDs but I can also sell them at a good profit, especially as they give me 50 LD workbooks a year worth £750 as part of my franchise agreement!

Jo TestimonialThe main reason I chose LDC was because they had the complete package. A comprehensive training course and I knew I had a guaranteed position on their franchise with the option of a car.

I enjoyed my training and thought the training aids were excellent. After being made redundant it felt great when I qualified and got my ADI licence. From the very beginning LDC’s support is second to none and I really like the way the LDC franchise is set up. LDC advertise me as an instructor not just LDC as a brand. I run my own diary and I choose the postcode areas that I work in. I have my name and telephone number on my car and they provided me with a private website, Facebook and Google business account. I am not very technical but appreciate and understand how important the digital world is for my business. No other franchise can compete with LDC’s in weekly cost or value for money.

I’m doing a job I love and every morning when I see my name on my driving school car I am so proud of my business - I can’t think of a more rewarding career.

Become a driving instructor with LDCI had always planned to be a Driving Instructor when I retired. Before deciding to train with LDC I did a lot of homework on the different training providers and, indeed what they were doing for their pupils. I was warned off two of the major players by friends who had worked for them. I passed. Not bad for an old dog, learning new tricks. The job with LDC turned out to be what I expected and then some. For the first time in years I look forward to working.

Become a driving instructor with LDCTrying to find the most suitable driving instructor training company quickly developed into a minefield of people asking me to sign contracts and sign cheques. I'm glad that I chose LDC because I had excellent training through out my course. The exams were not easy but with encouragement, good training and course material, I was successful and passed all three parts on my first attempts.

LDC is a very professional company who I found very genuine in their quest in helping me qualify. I couldn't have done it without them.

Cath LDC InstructorWhen I began to think about starting a family I realised that a Monday to Friday 9-5 office job wasn't the best option when it came to childcare (and I was bored with being stuck in an office as well!) so started looking into changing career - something with more flexible hours was what I wanted. That's when I came across being a driving instructor and training with LDC was my best move.

Training to be a driving instructor is hard work (I nearly had a heart attack when the training box turned up - it was huge!) but the LDC package is done in a way that makes it fun! I remember reading some of the theory notes and the way it's written there are comments in that are exactly the thoughts that go through your mind - I lost count of the number of times I burst out laughing because it was "so true". The part 2 and 3 training was great too. I'll never forget some of the examples of possible pupil behaviour that my trainer Les came up with - "dodge the kangaroos" was the best!!

The support both during the training and once you've qualified is fabulous - the induction course has loads of information to take in but you'll have a great laugh with some of Bob's stories! Everyone is so friendly and helpful - you feel like part of the family. Even though your running your own business, you don't feel as if you're on your own at all so you have the best of both worlds.

Now I've given my first few lessons, being a driving instructor is even better than I though it would be. I wish I'd done it sooner.

Testimonial 1My daughter was the first to start a training course to become a driving instructor some time ago with the Instructor College/Red driving school. The experience she had with this particular company made me far more cautious when I decided to become a driving instructor.

Having taken early retirement from a lengthy career in the Civil Service, I wanted a new challenge, something I might enjoy but not easy to achieve and training to be an ADI seemed to fit the bill. Looking around, the LDC training approach appealed, it was structured and yet allowed you to set your own pace and the support looked about right for my needs; I was not disappointed. The package of DVDs, written guidance and one to one instruction was of the highest quality, and if I needed support from the training team, it was always there and quickly. My daughter is still training with this other company but I often find her pouring over my LDC training materials. When she qualifies she wants to join me at LDC.

Testimonial 2I chose to train with LDC as I wanted to continue as an instructor with the same company that I trained with, and I found that LDC offered a really good franchise deal that others couldn't match, especially as I planned to work part time hours as a driving instructor whilst keeping my other part time job.

The training and support I have received from LDC has been excellent, and the support continues after qualifying. The LDC internet instructor forum is an excellent way to keep in touch with fellow instructors and to have any queries answered, and the personal web site that LDC provide is great.

I would recommend LDC to anyone looking to train as a driving instructor, or for anyone looking to join the franchise, regardless of where they did their training.

Testimonial 3Having decided I wanted to train as a Driving Instructor I set about researching the various courses available. LDC always seemed to be well thought of. From the first time I contacted them I knew I had made the right decision. Everyone I spoke too was so helpful and seemed genuinely interested in me and not just a course fee.

When the training materials arrived I was shocked at the amount of work I would have to be putting in. It all became worth it though when I passed Parts 1, 2 & 3 first time. I believe if it wasn't for the training materials, support from the training department and my excellent local LDC Tutor I would never have accomplished this. They always seem to have an interest in how their instructors are doing and are always willing to help.

When I signed up to the franchise the best thing was the continuing support. I felt like I was prepared for anything by the time I was setting out to meet my first paying pupil. I have also received help to start growing my business. Just to have experienced, knowledgeable people to speak to is of great comfort. LDC are always very professional, competent and friendly.

I am now doing a job that I love and I can't wait every day to get to work and see how each pupil will progress. A great job coupled with a great company behind me.

The best decision I have ever made...Thank You LDC!

Testimonial 4After deciding I wanted to be a driving instructor I spent 3 months researching various companies offering instructor training. Once I knew what was important I was able to narrow my search down to about 3 companies.

I had a meeting with the local LDC representative and he was more than happy to answer all my questions. There was not the "hard sell" that I'd experienced at some other meetings and I came away with the feeling that LDC didn't just want to train you – they wanted you to succeed. In my view LDC was the only company that really ticked all the boxes!

I was working part time when I started my training so was able to fit Part 1 and Part 2 training around my work schedule. When the time came for Part 3 training I made the decision to give up my job and concentrate 100% on getting my Green Badge. My Part 3 tutor was fantastic and made the in-car training fun too. LDC prides itself on making learning to drive fun – this also applies to instructor training. It was a really enjoyable training course even though it was hard work.

There was never any question that I wouldn't join the franchise upon qualifying. The on-going support is fantastic. I love using the LD System and my pupils love it too. I can't image how instructors manage without it!

I would (and do) highly advise anyone looking to become an ADI and having a flexible franchise to consider LDC. I feel I am part of a very special family and wish that I had taken the plunge years before I did!

Testimonial 5Having completed parts one and two of my ADI training with another large national driving school, I found myself struggling with part three and decided that a change of school would be a good option. I approached several schools, including the one that never stops advertising but I felt that LDC appeared to be the most professional: they actually wanted to interview me before taking my application forward!

Consequently, I travelled to head office in Pontefract and met Bob Morton. After a very enjoyable interview, I was offered a franchise, subject to passing part three.

My tutor for the part three training was Richard Clarke who was a revelation. His teaching style was professional, confidence building and utterly supportive and I duly qualified as an ADI.

As I meet and speak to more and more ADI's, I am convinced that the LDC franchise is probably one of the best there is. The head office staff are always helpful, friendly and above all totally professional. They are clearly committed to "the cause"!

Testimonial 6When I first thought about training to be a driving instructor, I spoke to an acquaintance who recommended LDC.

I was a bit daunted at first as a 'mature student' who had never been to college or done any home study before, but once I got into the course work it was fine. The training was very thorough and completely enjoyable, with a superb system of training, with lots of back up from my tutor when I was going through my 'wobbly' phases, with the result that I passed on my first attempt – phew!

The franchise is really well set up, with lots of backup there from a great team when I need it, but still with complete independence over how I run my business, and after just over a year, I can honestly say I can't think of a better way to earn my living.

Shaun Driving InstructorI have been qualified as an ADI for over 6 years now and thoroughly enjoy teaching learner drivers! I started training to be an ADI in March 2003 with the Red instructor college in Leeds. It took me 18 months to scrape through my final exam! My only regret is that I did not choose LDC as my training provider; I chose the Red instructor college purely because it was right on my doorstep!

I then spent 18 months paying £350 per week with the BSM franchise followed by 2 years with the AA paying over £200 per week. Fortunately for me I have now held a franchise with LDC for about a year which I can strongly recommend to any PDI or ADI! It offers excellent value for money at approximately £40 per week, which is a far cry from the money I used to pay. What's more, the office staff are much more helpful, understanding, friendly and efficient.

The training materials are much more user friendly. The IT team designed me a website which gets me lots of work on its own. When I had been to induction courses with other organisations I had walked away feeling apprehensive and confused as to what was expected of me and how to promote my business efficiently. I had a 3 day induction course with LDC and walked away feeling confident in my ability to sell driving lessons using the LD system which I believe is second to none! To summarise, my LDC experience has been fantastic, one which I would urge others to embark upon!

Testimonial 8After a lot of research, and several telephone calls and meetings, I knew LDC were going to be the right choice for my Instructor training. They were the only company who could answer all of my questions too.

My first priority was to find a training company that were flexible enough for me to fit my training around my full time job and family. LDC were happy to give me my prospective trainers' contact details so that I could have an informal chat before making my decission. I duly called him and I was happy that we could fit this in as I needed, and so checked all of my other requirements too. Their pass rate was also of extreme importance to me, and knowing through my research how companies often don't like to give you this, was very happy when LDC came out top!

I liked the flexibility of the training for the part 1, but unlike so many others that I researched, LDC made it clear at the start that this wasn't three separate training packages for each part, but they all rolled into one larger package. I was desperate to leave my old job and spent almost all of my spare time studying. I am happy to say that this all paid off, and I passed all 3 parts, first time, all within less than 7 months from making the right choice to train with LDC. My trainer was fantastic, both through part 2 and part 3. I had so much fun too, especially while training for part 3. I don't think I had ever enjoyed a training course so much!

I decided to join the franchise immediately upon qualifying. Again, I liked the flexibility that they were able to offer. I liked the LD System, and I felt that this would help me to get my business up and running with such a fantastic product to offer prospective customers. I had already purchased my own car, so I could now use this to keep my outgoings as low as possible.

I gave up my regular job, and right from the first week I have been busy doing what I set out to do, teach people to drive! I love every minute and would highly recommend LDC both for Instructor training and to follow on afterwards with their flexible franchise offerings. My only regret is that I didn't do it 5 years earlier when I first considered becoming a Driving Instructor!

Testimonial 9I had thought about being a driving Instructor for many years but always a little scared to take that step. Eventually I decided I was going to make the move and so started to look into the options. I found many websites of companies that would train you but it wasn't until I came across LDC website that I felt they put all the facts there for you to read. To me it seemed that they where very much motivated to get you through all your exams and not just to take your money.

I then continued to follow the path of LDC and started to do my training with them. Throughout the whole time there was always someone who could answer your questions and a brilliant forum where you can discuss questions with fellow trainee's and instructors. I have now qualified as an ADI and because I was so impressed with the training I received I decided to continue with the LDC franchise.

LDC have helped me achieve my goal and in the process made it very enjoyable. I would fully recommend LDC to anyone interested in becoming a driving instructor.

Testimonial 10To be honest the decision to become a driving instructor was a spur of moment decision in January 2009, I always knew I wanted my own business but couldn't decide on what to do?

After a moan about work and 5:30am starts, my partner suggested that I became a driving instructor. I enjoyed dealing with people, and was told that I had a calming influence.

With that I went straight on the internet and looked at every available training establishment.

The one that stood out to me was LDC. With its high pass rate, comprehensive study pack and first class instructor support I immediately requested an information pack. And after attending the interview I had no reservations with joining LDC.

After passing all three parts first time, I have now my first learner all within 10 months of starting the training programme. The training is intense but enjoyable and I must thank my trainer David for his efforts.

I would recommend LDC to anyone looking to become an instructor, the training given is absolute second to none, they are all so helpful and friendly, most importantly knowledgeable, and I can't thank LDC enough for the continued support they have offered me.

Testimonial 11After almost a decade doing a "desk job" I decided I needed a change of direction. Also, a young family meant I wanted to be more flexible with my time. Being a driving instructor was something I had considered in the past and I did have a bit of a passion for driving. So I thought I'd give it a try.

Like anybody making a life changing decision (...and it is life changing) I didn't rush into things and looked at all my options. It became clear that selecting the best company for training was vital, BUT there seemed to be a minefield of training organizations out there to choose from. After meeting with most of them I began to feel like perhaps they didn't have my best interests at heart. I really felt like they just wanted my money for seemingly sub-standard training, or wanted to charge an eye watering weekly franchise fee if I did qualify.

My meeting with LDC was different; relaxed, friendly, honest and helpful and with no hard sell. The options were made clear to me and LDC seemed very confident in their top quality training and what they could offer me once I had qualified as an ADI. It was clear that after doing all my homework on other training and driving schools, LDC was the one that stood above the rest.

Training with LDC was a pleasure. I continued with my office job whilst I trained, fitting in the theory work on an evening and the one-to-one lessons with a tutor on a weekend. The learning materials included for all three parts of the ADI exam were faultless, making things that much simpler. The in-car training was direct and highly professional, while still maintaining a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Throughout, support was always available either via my tutor, or the dedicated training department at LDC Head Office. All together the amazing training allowed me to pass all three of my ADI exams FIRST TIME, even achieving a high grade! I was also safe in the knowledge that should I want to join LDC, the option was there. Or I was free to go it alone as an independent instructor.

I decided to stay with LDC because after such first class training and the welcoming nature of the company I knew that they would be there to support me, especially when first starting up as a newly qualified ADI. The flexible LDC franchise and the training materials, including the brilliant LD System, also make the company pretty attractive. I have the flexibility of an independent instructor along with the support of a large national driving school. Plus the very reasonable franchise fee means I'm not working half my week to pay to the driving school. The first couple of lessons cover the franchise fee, so the rest is mine. In addition, the excellent training materials on offer help give that edge over other driving schools.

I'm now enjoying a successful career as an ADI, and have not looked back once. My pass rate remains high and work flow consistent. I'm now looking at exciting options to further my career and open up new roads to me in driver training. Thanks LDC.

Become a driving instructor with LDCWhen I decided I wanted to be a Driving Instructor I opted for LDC because right from the first interview I was made to feel welcome. Not only would I receive first class training but I could also become a franchisee in a nationally recognised network. Most of all, I wanted to be my own boss but at the same time have the backup of a successful team.

The learning materials provided by LDC were easy to use and, as a working mum, the flexibility of home study was ideal. The option of regular practical training sessions during Parts 2 and 3 fitted well with my other commitments and allowed me to prepare for lessons and consolidate on what I had learned. Extra in-car tuition was available when I needed it (for re-takes!) at no extra cost, making the training package very good value for money.
Thank you LDC

Become a driving instructor with LDCI joined LDC after careful consideration and plenty of research into the different training organisations available. The reason I joined LDC was for the high quality of training and the future prospects offered. The LDC system for Driving Instructor Training surpassed all other organisations without exception. Not only did LDC offer reasonable Franchise fees, they also offered a well planned, and structured Training syllabus for both the Potential Driving Instructor and learner drivers. The system for each is both thorough and simple to follow.

LDC has been the ideal way to start my own business and I would definitely recommend them to anybody looking at becoming a Driving Instructor.

Become a driving instructor with LDCI joined LDC after doing a whole load of research into all the different companies offering all sorts of promises and I can honestly say it has been the best experience of my life.

I received up to date information week on week on how my course would run and there was no pressure to finish any of the modules within a certain time limit, after all I still had a full time job to do. My work was marked and each module sent through the post very efficiently. I was then told how to proceed. Help was always available either by phone or on the net via the LDC forum which is set up for all the trainees just like me all going through the same experiences, Its a great place to meet and chat to others doing the same thing all across the country.

I was allocated my very own tutor whose help was fantastic and he helped me to continue all the way through my course. I can now say with great pride that I am now a qualified advanced driving instructor and the rewards are fantastic.

Every day I drive on the roads with my pupils, displaying my LDC logos and my name and I just want everyone to see its the best driving school in the country, because believe me Only the BEST will do for LDC.

Become a driving instructor with LDCThe best thing I ever did was choose to become a driving instructor and to choose LDC for my training.

Once I had decided to become a driving instructor I looked at a few different schools for training including BSM, Let's Drive (now The Instructor College Direct / Red Driving School) and others and what stood out about LDC was the emphasis on the quality of training for both instructors and learners, particularly the LD System. The franchise package seemed fairer than most on offer too. Once I started the training I found the quality of training and backup exceeded expectations at all stages and was motivating.

I have been with the LDC franchise now for about 14 months and find that it works well for me. I have found all the staff I have had to deal with very friendly and helpful making me feel part of the 'family' this has been the case in all departments.

Become a driving instructor with LDCI trained with LDC and have been operating on a franchise for over 2 years, which helped me to become established, and to fill my diary quicker than if I had been independent.

After looking at several training companies LDC's training seem to best suite my needs. From day 1 I realised that the training was designed to help you pass part 3 and not just the individual stages. Part 1 was a long period as I was working full time and taking 2 young children to and from school, so I was able to really go at my own pace. Part 2 training was excellent and prepared me well to be able to pass 1st time and with only 3 minors.

Part 3 is where LDC come into their own the training was intense but exceptionally well delivered and tailored to suite me as an individual, not one size fits all. It gave me the knowledge and confidence to take the test and be successful at the 1st attempt.

Become a driving instructor with LDCWhen I decided to train as a driving instructor, I applied to several companies to see what was on offer. I selected LDC because of the complete package they offered and the way that they presented themselves. The training and back up was so helpful and professional, that after I had qualified, I had no hesitation in joining the franchise.

After three good years with LDC, I decided to have a go on my own and although successful, I missed the support that comes from being part of a larger organisation. I would not have considered joining anyone else, so I have now rejoined LDC.

Become a driving instructor with LDCI have received the best training available out there to become a driving instructor, the service is fantastic and the LDC training method is unique. I received help and support throughout the whole time of my training. I would highly recommend anyone to learn with LDC whether you are a potential driving instructor or you just want to learn how to drive.

Become a driving instructor with LDCFrom my initial contact with LDC everyone was friendly and appeared genuinely interested in my enquiries. The training resources and support were good, and the price competitive. I was able to progress at a pace comfortable for me, carrying on a part-time job, and so no feeling of pressure. Using the student's internet forum I was able to learn a lot from others, and realise that I was not alone in my highs and lows. Support and leads from LDC whilst on a trainee licence, and the free additional training I received, gave me valuable experience and confidence to approach the final hurdle, the Part 3 test, feeling prepared for the antics of the examiner!

Having received LDC's support in training, I chose to stay with the franchise and having looked elsewhere and chatted to other instructors I appreciate that it is a very flexible arrangement for a reasonable monthly fee. I can do my own thing and generate my own pupils, but support is there when I need it. The pupils like the system of tuition with the books and DVDs, and I like to have my own choice of car but with the eye catching logos which get me noticed on the street. I can see that without LDC it could be very lonely out there!

Become a driving instructor with LDC

I chose LDC after considering other companies because I thought the LDC Training package and Franchise was the best available. I am still part of the LDC franchise after 12 years and am very happy.


Become a driving instructor with LDCI wanted a career change that would be flexible and manageable. This also needed to be applied to the training I would receive. After a lot of researching and talking to "real" LDC instructors and trainers I chose to train with LDC and have achieved my goal in becoming a driving instructor. More importantly I am still able to get advice and help from LDC.

Become a driving instructor with LDCI chose LDC because they have a different outlook to any other driving school. They had a genuine interest in me and my business (to be the best). I found the unique LDC instructor training system worked very well combining plenty of home study with a very high standard of training that I received from my tutor. The support from the training team was fantastic always there whenever I need them guiding me through any problems that I had every step of the way, and still are. Thanks LDC.

Become a driving instructor with LDCOnce I made the decision I wanted to become a driving instructor I did my research. For me LDC came top of 4 well known names. I am delighted to say that from day one I knew I had made the best choice.

From the start the training was fantastic. The standard of training is very high. Someone is always on hand to help you as you go through your training. Even when qualified you are still part of a great training facility and a great team

LDC in my opinion has the best trainers and training facilities to help you realise your dream of becoming a fully qualified driving instructor.

My motto in my driving career is 'Every day's a training day' LDC make sure you have that training throughout your career.

Become a driving instructor with LDCWhen I decided to train as a driving instructor, I wanted the support of a friendly company which offered flexibility and who would be understanding of my needs. I didn't want to train with either of the two largest companies as I felt I would just be another faceless number. There was another company advertising in the press and on the television at that time. I discounted them as they came across as desperate to recruit trainees. After research, I was aware that their main business was that of recruiting trainees.

I saw an LDC car in my locality and thought I would carry out research on them as I had never heard of the organisation before. I began to see more LDC cars in the area that I lived. I was impressed with the website and decided to book an appointment to find out more. After a session with their representative, I decided that this was the company for me.

I was impressed with the way training was organised and the study material (both printed manuals and DVDs) provided. I found that support was always available from the friendly team at head office. The training department was with me the whole way and the training and support given by them and my allocated tutor was fantastic. I was able to train at my own pace and fit it around my existing commitments. With all this help I was successful in obtaining my green badge. The franchise is quite flexible too as I am able to recruit my own pupils and also obtain pupils from head office. I have recommended (and will carry on recommending) prospective driving instructors to "my" company.

Become a driving instructor with LDCQualifying as an ADI would have not been possible without LDC training and support. Their learning material was easy to follow, together with the training team's help and teaching, helped me gain my badge. I would definitely recommend LDC training to any one thinking of becoming a driving instructor.


Become a driving instructor with LDCWhen I had made the decision to become a driving instructor, like most people I looked into the various training options. LDC were the only training provider that seemed to consider whether I would be able to make it. The others seemed only interested in telling me how much money I could make and how their company could offer a discount off their fees. Only LDC offered a sensible and realistic approach to how long the training would take. I was given honest answers to all my questions.

On receiving the initial pack, I found it somewhat daunting, but a call to the training department soon put things into perspective. By using the forum, I was able to see that others had also felt that sense of “oh my god, what have let myself in for?”. I was encouraged and motivated by the support I received, not only from the training department but also by other PDI's using the forum.

The series of end of module tests made sure that I made progress towards my Theory test in such a way that, on the day of the test, I did not expect to do anything other than pass. In fact I actually felt disappointed not to have achieved 100%, the materials were that good.

My tutor for Part 2 and Part 3 was excellent. He made sure that everything we covered was not only done to the highest possible standard but that I understood the reasoning behind each module. Even now, some two years after passing part 3, whenever we speak on the telephone or meet up at the local test centre, he is still offering support and kind words.

The Induction Course was, as with all matters relating to LDC, of the highest quality. The Trainers, because they are ADI's, were able to pass on their knowledge in a manner which was both informative and practical and it was nice to be able to put faces to the names.

I have been with the franchise for two years since passing Part 3. The materials provided to support me as an ADI, are second to none. The quality of the website is always commented upon by my learners.

Become a driving instructor with LDCLDCs Training Programme was great. It's unique, thorough & well planned along with a lot of support from all the trainers. I can comfortably recommend LDC as a great company to train with and work with. I truly enjoy working as an ADI all thanks to LDC. So thank you guys for helping me out with my career.


Become a driving instructor with LDCWhen I decided to try and become a driving instructor I had a look at the larger driving schools websites and what they had to offer. I was not only looking at the cost but what I would get in return for my outlay both in the way of pre-qualification training and post qualification support. I am glad that I decided to train with LDC as apart from being very professional in the way the course was presented and structured, I also felt that I was treated on an individual basis and not just a number. All through my training, I felt that I was important to the company and they offered good support when needed. After qualifying, I am pleased that I decided to join the franchise as it really helped get my business started and the support still continues.

Become a driving instructor with LDCI joined LDC after what seemed months of in depth research into various franchise schemes. I wanted to qualify quickly but at the end of the day the important thing was to qualify, and with LDC's superb training record and pass rate, it quickly became the obvious choice. With excellent training materials, one-to-one training and a friendly office team always on hand to help, I managed to become a qualified instructor.

I have been up and running for just over a year now and I honestly believe, I have the best of both worlds. Whilst I wasn't keen to become just a number in one of the bigger companies and I felt it too daunting to set up on my own. LDC is a happy medium; each instructor is able to operate independently with personalised websites and your own name and number on your car. So what's great is for a low monthly franchise, I am able to run the business and promote myself how I want, whilst still having the support of the office and a number of pupils generated by the sales team.

Become a driving instructor with LDCHaving decided that to qualify as a driving instructor would be interesting, rewarding and time flexible; I looked at four major companies for training. Spending over 30 years in advertising I was immediately impressed by LDC's approach which was the best presented professional literature with great structure. With the flexibility of training whilst still working an existing job providing a safe way to change career, but for me the deal clincher was the chance to join the amazing driving school franchise. The opportunity to run and developed my own business whilst having the considerable support of a nation wide company with a family business feeling.

I have just completed my franchise induction course, having met all the people who have developed this great system for us. With the freedom to choose the car I want, the area I want to work in and retain full control of our own diary what else could I ask for? So to summarise, for me, LDC stands for a great proven product, a completely flexible job and the best support you could wish for. Thanks LDC.

Become a driving instructor with LDCI decided to become a driving instructor after graduating from university and failing to find a graduate job. After a lot of research into training companies, LDC was recommended to me by a work colleague whose partner was training with LDC. Signing up with LDC has been the best career decision I have ever made, I now have a job that I love, working with in my opinion the best driving school in the country.

I found the LDC training course excellent; no minor detail is left to chance. What I liked about LDC is the dedicated training team who were always there to help. My local LDC tutor was fantastic, always available to answer any questions whether big or small. I passed my part 1 & 2 on my first attempt and my part 3 on my 2nd attempt. I would never have done this without the high quality of training I received from LDC.

After qualifying it was a natural step for me to join the LDC franchise. Now 10 months on from qualifying I have a thriving driving school business with all the support I need just a phone call away.

If you are serious about becoming a driving instructor I would highly recommend LDC as your training company.

Paul became a driving instructor with LDCLike many other potential ADI's my first decision was which company to use for my training. After researching two or three options it became obvious that one, LDC, was head and shoulders above the rest. LDC ticked ALL the boxes - from the comprehensive training they offered and the low franchise fee through to the support offered during and after qualifying.

Parts One and Two were passed first time, but when I struggled with Part 3 (failing twice) this is when LDC really came into their own. Extra training had already been offered, at NO further cost, after my first failed attempt then after my second fail, just when I thought the world was against me, Malcolm suggested I made the trip up to Head Office in Pontefract for some further training. I did as he suggested and received a further six hours of training, again at NO further cost, with Val Wood the head of the Training Department - then successfully passed my final attempt the following day ~ PHEW !! On my return to Head Office following my test all the team were genuinely delighted that I'd passed ~ that's what it's like - EVERYONE is made to feel special. A great team ethic.

A 3-day induction course followed with Bob Morton which, as well as being really interesting and informative, was also very relaxed and great fun.

A personalised website, Facebook/Google + page, discounted stock and some fantastic IT support are just a few of the things that the LDC driving school franchise offer their instructors ~ just what's needed when venturing out into the big wide world of Driver Training.

Being a driving instructor is a fantastic job - its a great feeling waking up in the morning actually looking forward to going to work!!!

My only regret about joining LDC ~ I should have done it YEARS ago !!!

Next step

If you would like more details at this stage by post or email please complete the free information pack request form or call us FREE on 0800 197 0010 and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

ADI Information Call Centre

Our opening hours are Monday to Thursday 8am - 6pm and on Friday 9am - 5pm. Alternatively download our latest Brochure in PDF by clicking the image on the right or the link highlighted in blue.

We look forward to the prospect of hearing from you in the near future. However, before you contact us please make sure you can meet the minimum requirements to be eligible to be a driving instructor as set out by the DVSA which are:

  • You must have held a driving licence for at least three years (with no more than 5 points overall or any bans) to start training and four years before starting the job;
  • Be able to provide two character references and pass a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check;
  • Be able to read a number plate at a distance of 90 feet (i.e. 23 feet more than required for the L test) with glasses, if normally worn.

If you are not sure if you satisfy these minimum requirements please don't hesitate to call us on 01977 691800.

 LD System