How each driving lesson works

Each practical driving lesson should have a distinct beginning, middle and end.

How the lessons workLesson beginning
The beginning should start with a quick re-cap of where you got to in the last lesson and what you had decided to cover in this lesson. In particular you need to determine if you still want to proceed with the provisional plan mentioned at the end of the previous lesson or whether you have any potential changes you would like to make to this having had time to reflect on the matter since the last lesson. You also might decide to change the plan depending upon how you are feeling.

Lesson middle
The middle is where you do the bulk of the learning. If you had done any preparation work for the lesson or had any other relevant knowledge or ability this should be reviewed first to see how it can best be built upon. In this way you can avoid covering things you already know or are capable of doing. The review stage also helps to prime you for the new learning by bringing things forward from previous lessons or experience that might be relevant here.

You are now ready to embark upon your first learning goal and associated practice task or activity. Remember each practice task or activity should ideally be small and therefore only slightly more difficult than the one before it.

Each learning goal and associated task is like a mini lesson in that it has a beginning, middle and end. The beginning is where the learning goal and task is established, the middle is where you try to satisfy the learning goal and the end is where you reflect upon your progress towards that goal and thus establish a new goal in light of that. The very last learning goal will be to successfully pass a full mock test. From this you will appreciate that the practice tasks or activities associated with the achievement of any goal will tend to get longer as you approach the end of the course.

Lesson end
The end of the lesson is where you asses what has been achieved and how you feel the lesson went. In particular you will mark the ability targets for the lesson contained in the workbook and update the master progress record at the back.

You will then look forward to the next lesson and decide what you hope to cover and therefore what preparation might best help you (i.e. the provisional plan). Normally, the best preparation would involve you in watching the appropriate lesson on the course DVD, reading the lesson brief in the course workbook (and associated sections of the Highway Code), undertaking the lesson quiz (and checking your answers) and becoming familiar with the lesson targets. It may even involve some supplementary practice with a family member or friend.