LDC Driving Skills DVD video

Driving Skills DVDThe video provides a comprehensive learning aid to help accelerate the process of learning to drive. A must for anyone learning to drive professionally or with a family member or friend. Over 3 hours of video takes you step by step through each of the driving lessons in the LD System (i.e. about 8 minutes of video per driving lesson topic) plus a full driving test.

Watch the video in advance of your lesson to ensure that you know what you should be doing and how it should be done. Memorise the key points, procedures and rules associated with your next lesson topic. Avoid any unnecessary time on discussions in the car. You have seen it on video, you know what to do, now simply put it into practice. Less chat - more real practice. The DVDs can be used on their own or in combination with the LDC driving skills workbook.

Please note the DVDs can only be used for private home study. Loaning, hiring, duplicating or public showing of the contents of these videos is strictly prohibited. Driving instructors should particularly note these restrictions.

Below is a short example of one small section 'Foot controls' from the LD System DVD video programme.