22 Overtaking, meeting and crossing other traffic

Overtaking JudgementWhile on the test you may need to overtake other road users, deal with oncoming traffic when the road narrows or cross the path of oncoming traffic streams. If these situations occur you need to deal with them in a safe and appropriate manner.

What the examiner is looking for

When overtaking, meeting or crossing other traffic the examiner is checking that you

  1. Use the MSM routine on approach
  2. Know when to hold back and when to proceed
  3. Complete the manoeuvre safely and with confidence.

Driving faults recorded
22 Judgement

  • Overtaking
  • Meeting
  • Crossing


What the examiner is looking for

When overtaking the examiner is checking that you

  1. Take advantage of any safe opportunities to overtake slower moving vehicles
  2. Use the MSM routine in good time
  3. Choose a safe location where road markings or signs do not prohibit overtaking or where other road features would make it unsafe
  4. Do not commence the manoeuvre until you can see there is sufficient clear road ahead, taking into account the speed of any oncoming vehicles
  5. Accelerate briskly when overtaking to avoid taking too long to complete the manoeuvre safely
  6. Give sufficient clearance to the vehicle being overtaken as you pass and move back into your lane
  7. Give cyclists, motorcyclists and horses at least the same distance as you would a car.

Driving faults recorded
22 Judgement


  • Attempts to overtake in an unsafe location.
  • Attempts to overtake when traffic conditions make it unsafe to do so.
  • Takes too long a time and distance to carry out manoeuvre.
  • Does not give enough clearance to other vehicles or road users.
  • Cuts back in too soon after overtaking
  • Follows the overtaking vehicle in front without making sure it is clear first.


What the examiner is looking for

When meeting traffic ahead where the road narrows the examiner is checking that you

  1. Use the MSM routine in good time
  2. Adjust your approach speed to avoid the need to stop when it is safe to proceed
  3. Know when to hold back and when to proceed
  4. Position the car so that oncoming traffic can proceed safely if you need to stop
  5. Give way to oncoming traffic when signs or road markings give them priority
  6. Reduce speed and position the car appropriately to go through any narrow gaps.

Driving faults recorded
22 Judgement

  • Causes oncoming traffic to slow down or stop.
  • Drives on towards other vehicles when other vehicles have priority.


What the examiner is looking for

When you cross the path of any oncoming traffic the examiner is checking that you

  1. Use the MSM routine when approaching to cross the path of any vehicles
  2. Adjust your speed on approach to avoid the need to stop, when safe to do so, by timing your arrival to coincide with any suitable gaps in the oncoming traffic
  3. Know when to hold back and when to proceed
  4. Position the car so that oncoming traffic can proceed safely, if you need to stop
  5. Accelerate briskly when crossing to avoid taking too long to complete the manoeuvre safely.

Driving faults recorded
22 Judgement

  • Inconveniences oncoming road users by cutting across in front of them.
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