Know your Traffic Signs


Know your Traffic SignsHow well do you know your traffic signs?
Traffic signs play a vital role in directing, informing and controlling road users’ behaviour in an effort to make the roads as safe as possible for everyone. Knowledge of traffic signs is therefore essential, not just for new drivers or riders needing to pass their theory test, but for all road users, including experienced professional drivers.

This book is a fully updated edition of the highly successful Know Your Traffic Signs first published by HMSO in 1975. It contains information about the most important traffic signs and the aim is to illustrate and explain the vast majority of traffic signs the road user is likely to encounter.

Know Your Traffic Signs - for life, not just for learners

A thorough knowledge of all traffic signs is essential for all road users, not just new drivers or riders, making this the ideal companion to ensure your knowledge is up-to-date. Although The Official Highway Code contains most of the commonly used road signs which are prescribed by the Traffic Signs Regulations, it does not give a comprehensive explanation of our signing system. This is therefore a perfect complementary title to The Official Highway Code.

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